Getting a license to serve alcohol as a business is a multi-step process. Once a business has secured its license, the owners will likely be concerned with making sure they follow the rules so the license does not get revoked. The reasons a liquor license can be taken away may differ between states, but all laws typically come down to respecting safety and adhering to local laws. Here are some actions that would put a liquor license at risk in Florida:
- Not checking identification. Most business owners know that selling alcohol to someone under the age of 21 is prohibited. A lesser-known rule that is also very important to adhere to is the requirement to check the identification of anyone who appears to be 30 years of age or under. Businesses may be penalized if a young-looking person is not asked for identification, even if the individual is over 21. Serving a person who is underage will put a liquor license at even more risk.
- Serving a patron who is visibly intoxicated. Businesses have an obligation not to overserve their customers. That means that if someone appears to be inebriated, they must refuse to sell that individual any more alcohol. Failure to do so could cost a business its liquor license, particularly if the individual damages property or hurts others after being served.
- Servers without the proper credentials. To educate servers about the rules and responsibilities around serving alcohol, they must complete a course and a test before doing so in their job. Businesses that do not have servers with this qualification can face consequences.
These are not the only reasons a business could lose its license. Other reasons include selling alcohol at times or in places where it is not permitted or conducting illicit activities such as illegal gambling on the premises. A Florida lawyer can help businesses understand and follow laws and regulations related to alcohol sales in the state.