Experienced And Knowledgeable With Both The Alcohol beverage Industry And The Law

Unique Florida liquor laws

On Behalf of | Jul 16, 2023 | alcohol beverage law

Many states have unique laws, especially when it comes to alcohol. Many of these laws are fairly well-known, such as some states not selling liquor on Sundays. But what about the lesser-known laws, perhaps those that have been on the books for a long period of time or are very specific and not common knowledge? Florida certainly has its fair share of those laws, including the following: 

  • Alcohol sales can be banned by the governor ahead of a projected hurricane. The idea behind this law is to minimize drinking so people can properly prepare for or evacuate during this type of emergency; however, it is not something known to be enacted. 
  • A bottle of wine, sparkling wine, or champagne can be no more than 1 gallon (3.8 liters) in the state. The two exceptions to this rule are reusable containers of wine that are 5.16 gallons; there’s a statutory exception for large-scale distributors and licensed restaurants 
  • When bringing wine home from a restaurant, the container must be resealed, placed in a locked or out-of-reach location, and accompanied by a dated receipt that indicates it came from the restaurant.  
  • Water skis, aquaplanes, and similar water vessels are off-limits to those under the influence. 

Open container laws are very clear in Florida, specifying that no one, including passengers, can have access to alcohol in a moving vehicle. There are also strict laws in place governing businesses that manufacture or distribute alcohol. Business owners who produce or sell alcohol can speak with a Florida attorney for more information about how to navigate the state laws within their firm. 

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